Slayer's Destiny In this site you will experience the risks and what it takes to be a vampire slayer. This site features current and up to date news, pictures, and downloads of Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Eliza Dushku. Also, in this u will be able to get a glimse of the X-files, so enjoy! Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately. I love to get mail!
The latest Gossip and News about Sarah, and Eliza: Sarah Michelle Gellar Won a Teen Choice Award for TV's best actress, go Buffy!! She is now making her movie called " The Harvard Man" wich should be out earlier in the Spring. Sarah Michelle Gellar has been nominated with a golden globe award! Just proves that our slayer has a great future in both theaters and television. Go sarah, and good luck!Buffy The Vampire Slayer is on it's fifth season and is adding another cast member (From Harriet The Spy) Dawn. Eliza Dushku's movie "Bring It On " was a great hit! |